Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Sunday

I saw a play yesterday
it's called Mnemonic and it was a workshop at UC Irvine. I take advantage of every play that is performed at UCI because most of them are free or cheap. I won't be so lucky when I get to LA. This particular play was WONDERFUL. It was new, experimental, and dynamic. The set was minimal, just 6 strips of screen hanging down from the ceiling and 4 industrial lights shining against the back wall. There were chairs and a big table that was used in more ways than i can even remember. It was the best use of technology and media in a play that i have ever seen. There were over 300 cues, which is an incredible amount. When the audience walked in, every chair had a program, blindfold, and leaf. The play started without warning, and by the time we realized the play had started it had been about 5 minutes. The director, who is apparently part of the play gives a speech about origins and memory (hence the name Mnemonic) 


1.assisting or intended to assist the memory.
2.pertaining to mnemonics or to memory.
3.something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula.

The play had three stories simultaneously: The discovery of the 1991 ice man, Alice's search for her father, and Virgil's coping with Alice leaving him. I was highly impressed with the amount of languages and accents spoken in this play. The actor's did a wonderful job of learning so many. I love experimental theatre, and the new.

I have discovered a new love: Sculpey! Yesterday i made some cheeseburger and ice cream cone stud earrings. I think i will be creating a whole new line of sculpey earrings. As long as there are objects in the world, i can make sculpey earrings out of them.

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