Saturday, May 16, 2009

Crafts for the World

I have listed some new items on my Etsy website. I only have six right now, but they are some of my favorite items. I need to find a way to take more pictures of my stuff easily. I need a new digital camera with a macro lens, since my items are so small. I have been told they are really helpful. I also need some lights. I would like to start listing my record bowls online. I could list the records names that i have and a list of basic shapes. Then the customer could customize their record. I could even paint it, because acrylic paint sticks really well to vinyl, as long as it is covered with some mod podge or sealer of some kind. 
Here is a link to my Etsy Store:

1 comment:

  1. Hey thanks for following me, this looks like a great blog! Your etsy stuff is soooo cute.

